
Friday, June 22, 2012

A conversation at work drinks...

He: What? Don't you eat McDonalds?
Me: Sigh... I'm kinda on a wedding diet
Other He: Yeah, she is super disciplined!
He: Yeah I kinda noticed you look, like, COMPLETELY different. But I didn't know what to say, I mean, what do you say?
Me: Yeah... people's reactions are pretty funny. Noone has come out and said woah I remember at xmas you were like, quite fat.
He: Well, you look normal, it would be weird to tell someone who looks so normal that they use to look, well, a lot bigger.

To be honest, when I sense people staring at me, watching their eyes and watching their minds ticking over, if they don't comment it kinda annoys me. I've worked really hard, and they probably admire my work yet don't give me credit.

Funniest comment so far:
"Have you like lost a lot of weight or something?"

Or something????

By the way... 82.0kg this morning. I may not update this blog much but I am still slogging away here.

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